140 research outputs found

    Family Guy: Analysis of the TV Show as a critique of the Capitalist Society

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    „Family Guy“ satirična je animirana serija za odrasle nastala pod vodstvom producenta Setha MacFarlanea. Svojom specifičnom vrstom humora te načinom kritike suvremenog društva osvojila je publiku diljem svijeta. Osim što je ovo serija zabavnog karaktera, ona zapravo oštro kritizira postojeće stanje u društvu te dominaciju kapitalizma nad svim aspektima našeg života. U ovom ću radu analizirati potencijal satiričnih TV serija poput serije „Family Guy“, koja kritizira postojeće društvo te kritički propituje sve ono što mnogi uzimaju zdravo za gotovo a to je kapitalistička ideologija koja je u potpunosti isprepletena s našom svakodnevicom, posebice dokolicom koju često odabiremo ispuniti praćenjem sadržaja popularne kulture na malim ekranima. Prvo poglavlje ovog rada bavi se kapitalizmom kao vladajućom ideologijom današnjice koja upravlja gotovo svim aspektima našeg života, a širi se upravo putem medija, posebice televizije koja je postala neophodna u promoviranju konzumerističkog načina života. Kapitalizam je ekonomski sustav koji se temelji na privatnom vlasništvu, dok se pojam kapitalistička ideologija temelji na marksističkom poimanju dominantne klase koja je dominantna upravo iz razloga što posjeduje sredstva za proizvodnju. Ideologiju se ukratko može definirati kao skup vladajućih ideja koje omogućuju „normalno“ funkcioniranje društva, odnosno kreiranje poslušnog društva koje minimalno krši nametnuta pravila. Iako se „Family Guy“ manje bavi preispitivanjem državne hegemonije, a više kritikom popularne kulture, ipak nastoji utjecati na svijest pojedinca te ukazati na problematiku sagledavanja svijeta iz zapadne perspektive bijelog čovjeka, kao i na sveprisutnost kapitalizma koji je postao osnovna ideologija današnjice. Drugo poglavlje bavi se razvojem tehnologije, točnije televizije koja je jedna od ključnih kanala za širenje ideologije kapitalizma, odnosno potrošačke kulture, kao i utjecajem koji je imala na razvoj popularne kulture te industrije zabave koja je danas postala nepresušan izvor zarade. Svrha proizvodnje proizvoda popularne kulture jest proizvesti proizvod koji ima potencijala ostvariti uspjeh na tržištu, odnosno koji će biti popularan i privući što veći broj ljudi, a samim time ostvariti što veći profit. Upravo na tome vidljiv je utjecaj kapitalizma koji sve pretvara u robu za prodaju. Popularna kultura je uspjela prodrijeti iz nižih slojeva u više, a svojom lakoćom praćenja koje zahtjeva minimum koncentracije čini ju privlačnom masama. Televizija je time postala vladajući medij bez kojeg velik broj ljudi ne može zamisliti svoju svakodnevicu, čineći pojedince u potpunosti ovisnima o njoj. Treće poglavlje pod nazivom „Family Guy kao kritika i dio popularne kulture“ bavi se satiričnim karakterom ove animirane serije kao i usporedbom s drugim animiranim serijama sličnog sadržaja. U ovom sam poglavlju željela prikazati način na koji „Family Guy“, jedan proizvod tzv. „kulturne industrije“ može ujedno biti dio popularne/masovne kulture ali i njezina najveća kritika. Satira ima brojne zajedničke točke s društvenim kritičkim teorijama koje imaju za zadaću kritički sagledati društvene probleme kao što su diskriminacija i stereotipizacija. Satira prema tome ima gotovo jednak potencijal u razvijanju kritičke svijesti kao što to imaju pojedine kritičke teorije

    Humanistic Sense of Creativity in Professional University Education: The Role of Creativity in Forming Innovation Model and Modernization of University Training

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    The scientific problem of the paper is connected with the "transition" period of the traditional education system that is severely criticized, but each era requires a specific identification of true reasons of divergences lead to reforms. An interesting research variant for these restrictions’ overcoming and opportunities to observe how cultural innovations are integrated into the educational system and transform it during the "revolutionary period" of the university development is offered by authors. A professional type of education is associated with the inclusion of the professional training through the regular education. The university education environment is the academic field where the knowledge learning and transmission, as well as preparation for the prospective use of the collected skills are performed, also it is the environment in which the academic elite is shaped, the environment that drills mechanisms and methods of the elite specialists’ preparation. The formation of social and cultural potential of an environment in which the reproduction of elite specialists can be achieved through the principles’ implementation of the university education as fundamentalization, humanization, environmentalization that creates the possibility of self-realization through the creative development and the ability to express themselves in a problematic situation

    NEW PARADIGM IN LEARNING Learning based on Object Issues Competency-based Curriculum Evaluation Process

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    Learning paradigm has shifted, due to various changes occur in the environment of human life. Such changes occur both natural changes and changes in technology. It's like a circle that is difficult to detect from which the change occurred. Is the natural changes that started this life change, or changes in human culture, or technological change. All aspects and elements of human life has changed. These changes also have an impact in the world of education. Education is said have a clear and good vision if it is able to anticipate the changes that occur. Times have changed, nature is also changing, human life is also changing, science is also changing and developments, as well as education must also change. The essence of education is a learning process. Due to nature, science and other changes, the learning process should also undergo changes. The pupose of education in the 21st century and future is the quality of human resource. Qualified human resource is a human who is creative, innovative, flexible thinking, able to solve problems of life. Human resource characteristics above can be achieved by education. Characteristics of Human Resources mentioned above can be achieved through education. In education, the most important thing is a learning process. UNESCO education pillar (learn to know, to do, to be and to live together) can be used as a guideline education in each country. Four pillars can also be used as an educational goal. UNESCO also proclaimed about humanist learning process, including democratic, student-centered, and learning that is able to build visionary man. Active learning, creative, fun are expected to build an active, creative, intelligent, and innovative students. Thinking about the pillars of UNESCO and the learning process as described above has been known to all human resource education. But the essence of the pillar is not known by many people. Application of the UNESCO declaration is also not well understood by educators. Assessment of the pillars aimed at infrequent application possibilities even exist yet. So just like the rhetoric pillars. Some researchs about pillars of UNESCO have been done by author, both individual and joint research team. The purpose of research is finding application pillars of UNESCO. Writing about the new paradigm of education is something that is urgent and important to do because of the time demands that every country improve education. But what happened to Indonesia? Compass (2011) wrote to all the educational development index or education for all in Indonesia fell. When in 2010 Indonesia was ranked 65, this year dropped to 69. Based on data from the Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011: The Hidden Crisis, Armed Conflict and Education issued by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural United Nations (UNESCO), which was launched in New York on Monday (1/3 / 2011) local time, the development of education or education development index (EDI) based on 2008 data is 0.934. The value placed Indonesia in the 69th position of 127 countries in the world. Currently, Indonesia is still lagging of Brunei Darussalam, who is ranked 34th. Brunei Darussalam entered high achievement group with Japan, which reached number one in the world. As Malaysia is ranked 65th in the category of groups or still achieving medium like Indonesia. Learning objectives which make students competent and have the ability to be achieved if the process is using the curriculum (read: competency-based curriculum). Active, effective and please learning will be achieved if the process of learning uses the object issues. Services in accordance with the child's condition as well as humane education will be achieved when the applied evaluation is the evaluation process. Based on the above reasoning, it is very urgent to write a book that can help all parties to understand the humanist education. Humanistic education is education oriented to the development of children's potential and to build a dignified human being. Authors examine through practice in the field, based on logic and the basis of existing theory, to achieve the educational outcomes as expected, three important aspects that play a role that is competency-based curriculum, learning uses the object of study and evaluation process. Thus, this book is titled Through the Learning Object Issue - Use of Competency-based Curriculum and Evaluation Process. The above phrase used as the sub head of title. This is assumed as a new paradigm in learning, therefore full title following a New Paradigm in Learning: Learning Through Object Issue - Use of Competency-based Curriculum and Evaluation Process. The writing of this book are colored by the results of research conducted by the author. Research on learning patterns (2012) and learning object-based study (2013) as well as other studies such as the basic paradigm used teachers who further revealed in this book. The book is expected to contribute education in 21st century and the future. Systematics book is structured in such a way, from a philosophy of titles presented, until the results of the study that are relevant to the title. The book is expected to add to the discourse of the readers especially the education of human resources. This book contains a philosophical meaning and is expected to be implemented in the learning process

    Human resources trends and challenges

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    The significance and role of human resources management has evidently increased in the last decades of the 20th century, and this trend has continued in the 21st century. Human resources management has been put in the same plane with finance and technology. In this area, a major change occurred when the role and the importance of the human resources department changed from a purely administrativeanalytical role to the role of the department that became a consultant and partner at the same time to other departments in the company. The next challenge was to put all these specifics into an international framework and adapt to new managerial and marketing orientations. This made investment in human capital very important. In recent years, the trend of major changes in the global economy has been brought by many new elements and changes in human resources management. Companies are forced to focus on better organization, governance, development and the importance of human resources. Due to the rapid advancement of technology that changes the “rules of business”, individuals are forced to adapt more quickly, but organizations do not change so quickly. For these reasons,it has become important to highlight several new elements, such as the speed of adaptation to computing, the focus on work experience and employee knowledge, performance management, a new model of leadership, digitization of work and equity at work. For these reasons, human resource management has become significant for all managers in the context of the strategic leading of the organization. In addition to these microeconomic factors, other factors such as globalization, migration and demographic change are very important. All this requires an approach to human resource management that implies “smart work”


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    AN ANALYSIS OF EDUCATION MORAL VALUE IN COMIC VIRGO AND THE SPARKLINGS BY ANNISA NISFIHANI By Fuad Durrotunnisa ABSTRACT This research discussed moral value education in the comic Virgo and the Sparklings by Annisa Nisfihani. Moral values are found using Hartmann's theory. This research was descriptive qualitative. The object of this research is the comic Virgo and the Sparklings. This research also used other information related to research problems. The data in this study was in the form of sentences and utterances in the comic Virgo and the Sparklings which contain moral values education. The research procedure used in this study was by Miles and Huberman. The steps were reading the comic Virgo and the Sparklings, then finding sentences and expressions that contain moral values education, then categorizing sentences and expressions that contain moral values based on Hartmann's theory. Finally, create a table based on the specification of moral values. This research used peer debriefing to validate the data, and involved Miss Dina Amelia as an agreed reader. The focus of this research is the moral values contained in the comic Virgo and the Sparklings. After analyzing the comic Virgo and the Sparklings, this study found some moral value education in three groups according to Hartmann's theory. The first group contains wisdom, courage, self�control. The second group contains brotherly love, honesty, loyalty, trust and faith. The third group contains brilliant virtues, personality, and personal love. This study concluded that the comic story Virgo and the Sparklings can be a reference for learning moral values education .Keywords : Education Moral Value, Comic Virgo and the Sparklings, Descriptive Qualitativ

    The words of the body: psychophysiological patterns in dissociative narratives

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    Trauma has severe consequences on both psychological and somatic levels, even affecting the genetic expression and the cell\u2019s DNA repair ability. A key mechanism in the understanding of clinical disorders deriving from trauma is identified in dissociation, as a primitive defense against the fragmentation of the self originated by overwhelming experiences. The dysregulation of the interpersonal patterns due to the traumatic experience and its detrimental effects on the body are supported by influent neuroscientific models such as Damasio\u2019s somatic markers and Porges\u2019 polyvagal theory. On the basis of these premises, and supported by our previous empirical observations on 40 simulated clinical sessions, we will discuss the longitudinal process of a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy (16 sessions, weekly frequency) with a patient who suffered a relational trauma. The research design consists of the collection of self-report and projective tests, pre-post therapy and after each clinical session, in order to assess personality, empathy, clinical alliance and clinical progress, along with the verbatim analysis of the transcripts trough the Psychotherapy Process Q-Set and the Collaborative Interactions Scale. Furthermore, we collected simultaneous psychophysiological measures of the therapeutic dyad: skin conductance and hearth rate. Lastly, we employed a computerized analysis of non-verbal behaviors to assess synchrony in posture and gestures. These automated measures are able to highlight moments of affective concordance and discordance, allowing for a deep understanding of the mutual regulations between the patient and the therapist. Preliminary results showed that psychophysiological changes in dyadic synchrony, observed in body movements, skin conductance and hearth rate, occurred within sessions during the discussion of traumatic experiences, with levels of attunement that changed in both therapist and the patient depending on the quality of the emotional representation of the experience. These results go in the direction of understanding the relational process in trauma therapy, using an integrative language in which both clinical and neurophysiological knowledge may take advantage of each other

    Exploración de la domótica emocional: una propuesta sensorial en la relación hombre-espacio

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    Architecture reflects designer’s intentionality to transform space and contribute to user’s comfort perception. Thus, it embraces information and communication technologies—domotics—to intensify its interactionwith diverse enviromental elements. Hitherto, domotics implementation has allowed unidirectional communication from users to space. However, when incorporating intelligent emotion recognition systems, communications becomes bidirectional, enabling an adaptative response from space. This article explores such radical change within user–space relationship and proposes a conceptualmodel based on comfort as a starting point for further study.La arquitectura refleja la intencionalidad del diseñador por transformar el espacio y contribuir a la percepción de confort del usuario. En este proceso integra tecnologías de la información y comunicación —domótica— intensificando su interacción con diversos elementos del entorno. Su aplicación ha permitido hasta ahora la comunicación unidireccional del usuario con el espacio, pero al incorporar el reconocimiento inteligente de emociones se transforma en bidireccional posibilitando la respuesta del espacio, adaptándose. El presente artículo explora este cambio radical en la relación usuario-espacio y propone un modelo conceptual basado en elconfort como punto de partida para profundizar en su estudio

    A conexão corporal como mediadora da relação entre mindfulness e resposta sexual

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia da Saúde.O presente estudo teve como objectivo investigar a relação entre as cinco facetas de mindfulness disposicional e o desejo sexual, orgasmo e satisfação sexual, e explorar o papel mediador da conexão corporal na relação entre as facetas de mindfulness e as variáveis sexuais. Foi ainda analisado o papel moderador do sexo, das dificuldades sexuais e da prática de meditação na relação entre as facetas de mindfulness e as variáveis sexuais. No total, foram obtidas 295 respostas, sendo 48 sujeitos praticantes de meditação. Os resultados indicam que as cinco facetas de mindfulness poderão encontrar-se distintamente associadas às variáveis sexuais. A faceta observar surge positivamente relacionada com a frequência e com o nível de desejo sexual. Por sua vez, as facetas descrever e agir com consciência aparecem positivamente relacionadas com a frequência de orgasmo. As facetas descrever, agir com consciência e não julgar surgem negativamente relacionadas com a dificuldade de orgasmo. Por último, as facetas observar e descrever aparecem positivamente relacionadas com a satisfação sexual. As dimensões da conexão corporal parecem assumir um papel relevante enquanto variáveis mediadoras destas relações, tendo sido verificado que a consciência corporal exerce um efeito mediador total entre a faceta observar e a frequência e o nível de desejo. A relação entre a faceta descrever e a frequência de orgasmo surge parcialmente mediada pela consciência corporal e pela dissociação corporal. A consciência corporal parece também mediar parcialmente a relação entre a faceta descrever e a dificuldade de orgasmo. A dissociação corporal, por sua vez, exerce um efeito de mediação total entre a faceta descrever e a dificuldade de orgasmo, e um efeito de mediação parcial entre a faceta agir com consciência e a dificuldade de orgasmo. Por fim, a relação entre a faceta descrever e a satisfação sexual parece ser totalmente mediada pela consciência corporal e dissociação corporal. Não foram encontradas evidências da existência do papel moderador do sexo, das dificuldades sexuais e da prática de meditação na relação entre as facetas de mindfulness e as variáveis sexuais. Estes resultados poderão contribuir para o conhecimento do papel da conexão corporal na sexualidade e, nomeadamente, para o conhecimento acerca do mecanismo através do qual o mindfulness se relaciona com o desejo sexual, orgasmo e satisfação sexual.The goal of this study was to determine whether mindfulness is related to sexual desire, orgasm and sexual satisfaction and whether body connection mediates the relationship between mindfulness and the mentioned sexual variables. It was also analyzed whether gender, sexual difficulties and the practice of meditation moderates the relationship between mindfulness facets and the sexual variables. Overall, 295 responses were obtained, with 48 meditators. The results show that the five facets of mindfulness may be differently associated to the sexual variables. The observing facet appears positively correlated to the frequency and level of sexual desire, while the facets describing and acting with awareness are positively correlated with orgasm frequency. In turn, the facets describing, act with awareness and non-judgment appear negatively associated with orgasm difficulty, while observing and describing appear positively associated with sexual satisfaction. The dimensions of body connection seem to play an important role as a mediator in the relationship between mindfulness facets and sexual variables. The body awareness completely mediates the relationship between observing and frequency and level of sexual desire. The relationship between describing and orgasm frequency is partially meditated both by body awareness and body dissociation. Body awareness also partially mediates the relationship between describing and orgasm difficulty. In turn, body dissociation completely mediates the relationship between describing and orgasm difficulty, and partially mediates the relationship between acting with awareness and orgasm difficulty. Lastly, the relationship between describing and sexual satisfaction is completely mediated by body awareness and body dissociation. No evidence was found regarding the role of gender, sexual difficulties and the practice of meditation as moderators. These findings may contribute to the understanding of the role of body connection in sexuality and particularly to the understanding of the mechanism by which mindfulness relates to sexual desire, orgasm and sexual satisfaction

    Fundamentos da ordem social liberal no pensamento de F. A. Hayek: uma análise compreensiva

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito.Esta dissertação pretende realizar uma análise compreensiva dos fundamentos da ordem social liberal no pensamento do intelectual austríaco, naturalizado inglês, Friedrich August Hayek. A defesa hayekiana de um sistema de instituições sociais liberais baseia-se na tradição do Liberalismo clássico, o qual derivou da descoberta de uma ordem que gera-se espontaneamente nos assuntos sociais; uma ordem que possibilita a utilização do conhecimento e das habilidades de todos os membros da sociedade para um número bem maior de indivíduos do que seria possível numa ordem criada por uma direção central. Pleiteia a superioridade do sistema sócio-econômico fundado na ordem espontânea, o único capaz de alcançar sobrevivência humana, prosperidade geral e paz social. Isto porque alicerça-se em um método descentralizado de coordenação social eficaz para promover uma adequada interação humana e uma eficiente produção material bem como para assegurar a liberdade individual: somente a auto-coordenação operada pelo mercado utiliza o conhecimento e a habilidade das pessoas, beneficiando a todos indistintamente, e ainda deixando-as livres para perseguirem seus próprios projetos. O Liberalismo, na concepção do autor em estudo, oferece não só subsídios para uma boa ordem social mas também uma explicação mais adequada acerca da natureza da sociedade possibilitando, assim, que possamos entender melhor nossas atuais sociedades amplas e complexas. Destacam-se como idéias centrais para a defesa da ordem social liberal: o reconhecimento do papel restrito de nossa razão, a noção de ordem espontânea e a compreensão da importância do processo de evolução cultural para a nossa sobrevivência.ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to comprehend the fundamentals of the social order into the Friedrich August Hayek’ s thought. The hayekian defense of a liberal system of institutions based itself on the tradition of classical Liberalism, which derives from the discovery of a spontaneous order in social affairs; an order which made it possible to utilize the knowledge and the skill of all members of society to a much greater extent than would be possible in an order created by central direction. He advocates the superiority of the socio-economic system based on spontaneous order, the only one capable to achieve human survival, general prosperity and social peace. It’s because it doesn’t relies on a centralized method of co-ordination, so its an efficient social co-ordination to promote an appropriate human interaction and material production and, besides that, preserve individual liberty: only the self co-ordination in the market can make the better use of people’s knowledge and skills, benefit all indistinctively, and still leaves them free to pursue their own projects. Liberalism, in Hayek’s conception, offers not only subsidies to a good social order but either a properly explanation about the nature of society, thus we would better understand our complex and extend societies. Some ideas are central to Hayek’s defense of a liberal social order, like: the recognize of a narrow role assign to reason, the notion concern to spontaneous order, and the understanding of how important is the process of cultural evolution to our survival